
Baden Powell

Baden-powell The man who became known as B-P was born Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell in London on 22 February, 1857, the son of an Oxford University professor. The eighth of ten children, B-P was only three years old when his father died, leaving his mother, Henrietta Powell, to bring up the family on her own. B-P got his early education from his mother, but he later won a scholarship to Charterhouse School, founded in 1611 and one of Britain’s most prestigious public (private) schools. Henrietta encouraged her children to make their own fun, and the young B-P was always eager to learn new skills, picking up both the piano and violin. At Charterhouse, he began to turn his attention to the great outdoors, hiding out in the woods around the school to track wildlife, and even catch and cook rabbits, being careful not to let the tell-tale smoke give his position away. During the holidays, the young adventurer would head out with his brothers in search of adven...

World Organization of the Scout Movement

The  World Organization of the Scout Movement  ( WOSM)  is the largest international  Scouting  organization. WOSM has 170 members.  These members are recognized national Scout organizations, which collectively have over 50 million participants. WOSM  was established in 1922, and  has its operational headquarters at  Kuala Lumpur ,  Malaysia  and its legal seat in  Geneva ,  Switzerland . It is the counterpart of the  World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts  (WAGGGS). In 1906 and 1907  Robert Baden-Powell , a  lieutenant general  in the  British Army , wrote a book for boys about  reconnaissance  and scouting. This book,  Scouting for Boys , was based on his earlier books about military scouting, with influence and support of  Frederick Russell Burnham  (Chief of Scouts in British Africa),  Ernest Thompson Seton  of the  Woodcraft Indians ,...

Kartini Beach

Kartini Beach Kartini beach is the one of famous beaches in Jepara. It is about 2 kilometers from the center of Jepara city. It is located in a strategic area the way to go there is easy to get. The name of Kartini beach is taken from the name of a national hero from Jepara who struggled for woman emancipation, Raden Ajeng Kartini or R. A. Kartini. When she was child, she used to spend her time in the beach for playing and joking with her family. Because of that people called this beach as Kartini beach to show people’s respect and also to memorize her. Kartini beach is a beautiful white-sand and has great scenery along the beach. It is surrounded by wave breaker along it. There are many facilities for visitors, such as turtle aquarium, port, motel, shopping center, gazebos, children playground, and others. Besides that, the fresh air makes it appropriate as a place to relax with family from daily activities. It is suitable to swim because the water is very clean and clear. People ...

Pramuka Modern

Pramuka Modern Salam pamuka!!! Ya, itulah salam bagi sesama anggota pramuka di Indonesia. Sebuah kalimat sederhana teapi dapat menyatukan semua anggota pramuka di Indonesia. Saat sekarang ini, eksistensi pramuka mulai sedikit menurun. Pada Kurikulum 2013 mewajibkan pendidikan ekstrakurikuler pramuka pada semua siswa saat ini mulai kurang diminati oleh pelajar, terutama untuk tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) sederajat   Kata ‘Pramuka’ merupakan kependekan dari Praja Muda Karana. Itu mempunyai makna ‘anak muda yang suka berkarya’ atau ‘orang-orang berjiwa muda dan suka berkarya’. Kata berjiwa muda di sini merupakan ukuran semangat untuk maju. Praja berarti rakyat atau Warga Negara. Muda berarti yang mempunyai usia antara 6-21 tahun, dan Karana, berasal dari kata sangsekerta yang mempunyai arti pembuatan, penghasilan, yang harus diartikan kesanggupan dan kemampuan berkarya serta membangun masyarakat yang adil dan makmur. Pramuka memil...

Metode Mengembangkan Bakat dan Minat pada Remaja

Mengembangkan MINAT dan BAKAT REMAJA PENDAHULUAN : Belajar ataupun bekerja pada bidang-bidang yang diminati terlebih lagi didukung dengan bakat serta talenta yang sesuai, akan membawa gairah dan memberi kenikmatan dalam mempelajari atau menjalaninya. Sayangnya seringkali remaja memilih suatu jurusan atau bidang studi karena terbawa dan ikut teman-temannya, atau memilih bidang yang sedang popular, tanpa sempat mencerna lebih dahulu dan memahami bidang yang akan dipelajari, menjadi apa setelah selesai sekolah ataupun lebih jauh lagi mengenali bidang pekerjaan seperti apa yang bisa digelutinya sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikannya tersebut. Mengembangkan minat dan bakat bertujuan agar seseorang belajar atau dikemudian hari bisa bekerja di bidang yang diminatinya dan sesuai dengan kemampuan serta minat dan bakat yang dimilikinya sehingga mereka bisa mengembangkan kapabilitas untuk belajar serta bekerja secara optimal dengan penuh antusias. . Pengertian Bakat Dalam aktivi...